Rules of the Snow Trail Ubaye Salomon

ART 1: The Organizer

Snow Trail Ubaye Salomon is organised by the Barcelonnette Athletics Club - Ubaye (1901 association), located at 4 Av des 3 frères Arnaud - 04400 Barcelonnette - France.

ART 2: Date

The Trail will take place Sunday, February 18, 2018 in the Ubaye Valley (Alpes de Haute Provence) in the municipality of Saint Paul sur Ubaye.

ART 3: Course

2 courses are offered to runners:

Elite Course "Brec Chambeyron": 22 km and 3314 ft elevation
Discovery course "Tête de la Frema": 9 km and 820 ft elevation

These distances can vary slightly depending on track grooming and the thickness of the snow at the time of grooming.

In case of bad weather, the Elite course can be slightly modified. The mountains are beautiful but dangerous if we take risks, respect them. The safety of participants in the mountains is the main concern of the organizing committee.

ART 4: Categories

Ubaye Snow Trail Salomon is open to Men and Women, Categories:

Cadet: 2002 - 2003
Junior: 2000 - 2001
Hopefuls : 1997 to 1999
Senior: 1980 to 1996
Master 1: 1968 - 1979
Master 2: 1960 - 1969
Master 3: 1950 - 1959
Master 4: 1940 - 1949
Master 5: 1939 and before

Can participate in:

Course "Brec du Chambeyron" categories Veterans, Seniors, Hopefuls, Juniors
Course "Tête de la Frema" The Veteran groups, Seniors, Hopefulss, Juniors and Cadets

ART 5: Licenses or medical certificate

Runners must be provide a copy of a medical certificate of non-restriction to the practice of athletics or running in competition dating less than a year (at race day). It is understood that the copy of the medical certificate provided by the runner during registration is certified to the original. Medical certificates are not returned.

ARTICLE 6: Runners outside the European Union

Foreign runners to the European Union must provide a photocopy of an identity card, a copy of valid residence permit in France and a valid runners license or a non-restrictive medical certificate.

ART 7: Materials

The course will be conducted in semi self-sufficiency. Runners must be in possession of a Camel Back or a water bottle belt and their food supplies for the Elite course.

The pins for fixing the race bib are not provided.

22 km:

Compulsory equipment: trail shoes and camel back, full length leggings and long sleeved t-shirt, survival blanket, whistle

Recommended equipment: Chains, gaiters, sunglasses and mobile phone. Small backpack with warm jacket. (It can get very cold at summit at 2250m)

Prohibited materials: Shorts, T-shirts, poles, spiked shoes.

9 km:

Compulsory equipment: trail shoes
Recommended equipment: Chains, sunglasses and mobile phone.
Prohibited materials: poles, spiked shoes.

ART 8: Distribution of race numbers and departure

The race bibs will be distributed on Saturday, February 17 from 15h to 18h and Sunday, February 18 from 8:00 to 10:30 in St. Paul sur Ubaye.

The race start will be:

10:30 for the Elite course
11:00 for the Discovery course

ART 9: Fuelling

3 fuelling / food stations will be available :

Course "Brec du Chambeyron" : R1 5 Km / R2 14 Km / Arrival
Course "Tête de la Frema" : R1 5 Km / Arrival

R1 and R2 : Cereal bars, bananas, oranges, dried fruits, chocolate, sugar, water, coke.
Arrival: Local products, cereal bars, bananas, oranges, dried fruits, chocolate, sugar, water, cola, hot chocolate and mulled wine.

ART 10: Time gates, controls and dropouts

The runners will be disqualified and their bib withdrawn if they timeout on these time gates in the Elite course:

Fouillouse hamlet (6263 ft) Km 10: 12:00

No time gates on 9 km course.

The courses will be closed by a wire clamp.

In case of a non passage through a checkpoint, non-compliance with the regulations, pollution (throwing rubbish, paper, etc ...) the runner will be disqualified. Runners are not allowed to leave the marked trails.

ART 11: Animals

Riders can not run with their dog.

ART 12: Security

4 rescue stations will be in place at Km 5, 10, 15 and arrival. Safety is provided by rescuers, nurses and a doctor. The Platoon of Gendarmerie of High Mountain will intervene on the mountain part. It is planned to position 4 rescuers of this unit. An ambulance and crew will be positioned on arrival. A map of the itinerary with the emergency numbers will be given to the bib number.

ART 13: Registration

The race entry prices :
Elite Course : 21 € to 31.12 / 26 € until 1 February (subject to available numbers).
Discovery course : 11 € to 31.12 / 16 € until 1 February (subject to available numbers).
Registration is free for the fist 300 ladies. No on-site registration.
The number of riders is limited to 800.

ART 14: Abandonment

In case of withdrawal, the race bib will be removed and the runner must wait for the green wire or controller to return to the arrival, depending on their abandon position, the runner may be returned by vehicle, or they can return to the arrival on their own at their own risk.

ART 15: Awards and prizes

Places rewarded : The first 5 Men and Women of each course and 1 Male and Female in each category, not overlapping with the scratch.

ART 16: Re-imbursement

Any runner, who requests re-imbursement by mail or by email, will be refunded the amount of the registration upon presentation of a medical certificate, except for 5 Euros which will be retained by the Organising Committee to cover the costs for the runner. No claims will be accepted after February 1th.

ART 17: Wearing the race bib while running

The number must be visible on the chest so that the No. is easily identifiable, beware pins for attachment are not supplied.

ART 18: Rules, schedules and course routes

The organizing committee reserves the right to change the rules, the routes and schedules according to weather conditions.

ART 19: Respect for the environment

The routes of the trail are in preserved wilderness areas on the edge of the Mercantour National Park.
Any runner caught throwing packaging, tubes of gel or anything else will be immediately disqualified.

ART 20: Rights to images and appearance in the rankings.

Runners and walkers, by their participation, allow the press, the organizing committee and their partners to use on all media, pictures and videos in which they may appear.

If you do not want your full name to appear in the rankings, please inform us when you register.

ART 21: FFA Regulations

The Salomon Snow Trail Ubaye will be run in accordance with the regulations of off stadium races. These regulations aim to protect participants and the environment.

ART 22: Acceptance and understanding of the Regulations

By their act of registration, runners acknowledge having read the regulations.

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