Health measures - COVID 19
In order to insure the safety of all the volunteers, runners and spectators during the 2020 edition of the Ubaye Trail Salomon, the organisation has taken specific mesures (see below for details). They will be stricly enforced and added to the legal regulation of the race.
Contestants that do not follow the present rules will not be allowed to run, or will be disqualified.
This rules are tailored to apply to all of the different parts of the event : bibs retrival, race, starting and finishing area, pit stops and the exhibitors' village.
Runner's charter
Each runner is required to duly complete the charter and send it back by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Download (Word)
Download (PDF)
By registering, the runner agrees to respect the charter.
Wearing the mask
Wearing a mask is compulsory from August 6 to 16 in the hypercentre (pink zone below) of Barcelonnette
Wearing a mask is compulsory in the Parc de la Sapinière (Arrival area)
1/ Bibs retrival
Where : Frédéric Mistral Square in barcelonnette
When : On the 8th of August 2020 from 14:00 to 20:00 and on the 9th of August 2020 from 6:00 to 7:30 (runners and teams only)
Rules : In order to limitate the number of people on site, we've set up different time windows based on the type of parcour and the bib number ( Example : Bibs number 1 to 100 are given from 14:00 to 15:00). We recommand our contestants to show up at the appropriate time window and in person (bibs can only be retrieved by the contestants themselves). Make sur you've filled and validated your online registration beforehand (
Wearing a mask is compulsory.
All health certificates must be sent beforehand. It won't be possible to give them hand-to-hand, in order to prevent contact as much as possible.
The time window for the retrival has been extended further. All related informations will be available on our websites and social networks.
Retrivals areas (1 for the 23km & 12 km / 1 for the 42km) will be found on both sides of the Square (next to the restaurant Le Patio) with a delimited flow direction ( entrance through Rue Marie-Thérèse Fournel and exit after retrival through rue Jules Berraud ) (cf. Annex n°01 – Bibs retrival).
Therefore, Frédéric Mistral Square won't be accessible through the arcades « les 7 portes » during bibs retrival.
Markings on the floor will insure social distancing is respected.
Antibacterial solutions will be available both for the contestants and the volunteers. Volunteers will be wearing masks and gloves during the retrival to insure safety upon giving the bibs and the welcome presents.
2/ Exhibitors' village
Where : At the entrance of Frédéric Mistral Square, alongside the tourist office.
When : On saturday 8th of August from 14:00 to 19:00
Rules : Entrance for contestants only (no third person) when retrieving their bib. Potential clients will have to follow the flow direction (see above in 1/ Bibs retrival rules). Markings on the floor will insure social distancing is respected. Exhibitors have to wear a safety mask and provide antibacterial solution. Exhibitors are responsible for the safety of the clients, supervised by the organization commitee.
Wearing a mask is compulsory.
3/ Starting area
Place : End of rue Manuel, in front of the mayor office
When : Sunday 9th of August at 8:00 for the 42 km, 9:00 for the 23 km and 9:30 for the 12 km.
Rules : If there're 150 or less runners, no specific mesures will be instored.
Wearing a mask is compulsory.
If there're more than 150 runners, we will proceed like follow : in order to favorise the best athletes, 3 groups of 10 runners with the best ITRA cotation (male and female) will take place on the starting line. They will be allocated to corridors underneath the starting arch (the exact number of corridors will depend on the number of runners) (cf annex Starting area 150+ runners). Markings on the floor will delimitate the corridors.
Then the other runners will be spread throughout the rue Manuel to insure safe distancing between them. Individual bib chips will trigger the timer when passing underneath the starting arch, therefore insuring a fair calculation of each contestant's running time.
1 and a half hour will be left between two departures to prevent the over-accumulation of runners and onlookers in rue Manuel and the surroundings.
Safety rules will regularly be repeated with a microphone 30m before the start of each race.
4/ Finishing area
Where : « La Sapinière » Parc
When : Sunday 9th of August from 11:00 pm onwards
Rules : The runners arrive spaced out enough , therefore we stick to the usual protocol. Crowd control barriers will allow for a safe entrance of the runner within the parc up to the finishing arch.
Contestants will then be given the « finisher » prize in a dedicated area. Volunteers will insure all contestants are received one by one.
Volunteers in charge of the prizes will be wearing surgeon masks and gloves.
Race-timing and nursery tents will be set appart from the main event and the access blocked by barriers.
The organisators PC will be kept within the museum and the access regulated.
Snacks and food tents will only be accessible for the contestants and a one-way flow direction will be instored.
After retrieving their lunch basket, contestants may join the dedicated picnic area. However no tables will be provided to prevent potentially unsafe gathering.
Keep in mind that the showers of the allée des Dames gymnasium won't be accessible this year.
All infos will be available on our website and social networks.
Safety mesures will be repeated on a microphone every 15m.
The prize-giving ceremony will be organised in order to limitate direct contact according to the 11 /07/2020 health regulation. Further details will be provided later.
5/ Aid stations and pit stops
Where : 12km : Alaris mountain pass
23km : Uvernet Fours village and « Pied du Lan » /
42 km : Uvernet Fours village, « Villard d'Abas », « Pied de Lan » and « La Rente » (Cf. Annex - Parcours maps n°2)
When : Sunday 9th of August 2020
Rules : In order to guaranty the safety of the race, aid stations will be placed along the parcours and manned with qualified volunteers and militaries from the PGHM (Police specialised in mountain rescue ). Safety supervisor (G. Rastout) will organise a briefing about health mesures at 6:30 : single use gloves, surgeon masks, symptoms identification in case a potential Covid 19 case is suspected during a rescue. The rescue team's leader will be in charge of transmitting all health-related concern to the responsable medical authority and he will make sur that the patient is directed to the appropriate heallth center if need be.
A couple of volunteers will be in charge of the parcour's closure. Race time-limits might be modified by the race commitee in case of health, weather or sport concerns.
Every contestant must bring his own plastic cup. For health and pollution concerns, it has been ruled that none will be provided by the organisation.
Pit stops' volunteers will all be equiped with surgeon masks and gloves to ensure the safety of the runners.
Antibacterian solutions will be available both for the volunteers and the runners.
All water and sodas will be packaged, and handled by a dedicated volunteer who will provide them to the runner directly in his own plastic cup.
No food will be provided at the pit stops. It is up to each contestant to bring his own.
An emergency reserve of dried fruits, bananas, energy bars and such can however be provided to the runners in case hypoglycemia or malaise.
NB : this measures are susceptible to be changed, reinforced or relaxed depending on local political rullings, especially after the 11th of Jully.
Plan d'accueil - Remise des dossards / Bibs retrival map
Sens de circulation / Flow direction
Barrières Vauban / Crowd control barriers
Entrée / Entrance
Exposants / Exhibitors
Distrib. Dossards / Bibs Retrival
Sortie / Exit
Plan de départ (150+) / Starting area (more than 150 runners)
Zone de délestage / Warming up area
Zone d'attente avant départ / Waiting area before the start of the race
Départ / Starting line
Plan aire arrivée - La sapinière / Finishing Area – La Sapinière Parc
Zone attente public / Waiting area for spectators
Infirmerie + ambulance / Nursery + ambulance
PC course + sécu / Organisation PC + security
Zone finisher / « Finisher » Area
Zone Repas / Picnic area
Sens de la course – etc / End of the race track protected by barriers
Sas d'arrivée – Finishing area
Sens de sortie – Exit way